G2C: Government to Citizens Services

G2C stands for Government to Citizen; it is a relationship between the organizations of public admin and the citizens of the country. The title is used for any relationship between the subject of administration and the citizen. However, it is most commonly used and considered the basic relationship of the e-government models. 

Purpose of G2C:

The initiative of G2C was proposed by Federal Organizations, especially for the citizens. The main motto of this service is to express the relationship between the administration and the public. This includes dealing with the exchange of information from the public for official use and also giving official documents to the public from the government official. 

The simple way to use such service is through the internet and networking, here the communication is converted into electronic making it easier to deal with in the future for both the public and citizens. It is done through official websites and public service sectors. G2C and C2G are the same. 

Difference between e-governance and e-government:

The two terms are used interchangeably but there is a slight difference between them. E-government is mainly the use of ICTs for public administration which along with organizational change and new techniques will lead to the improvement of public services. This will help in supporting the citizens in many ways. 

Whereas E-governance has no provision for ICTs of the government and it typically demands an increase in the regulation and making of policies. They also consider taking opinions from different social stakeholders and other experts. 

E-government depends on a one-way communication technique and the E-governance uses two-way protocols for communication. 

What is Government to Employees?

E-governance to Employee partnership is that type of service that deals with the sources, online tools, and articles that help the employees to take care of their communication with the government and their companies. 

E-governance relationships with the employees give the new learning techniques only one place to deal with and that is the computer. All the important documents can now be stored online and used whenever required by the employees. 

There are many steps and methods used by the G2C e-governance; two-way communications enable the citizen to get in contact with government officials instantly. The method is quite economic and doesn’t require waiting or paying extra money to the brokers. Through this technology, there has been much ease in living and solving minor and major problems of the people. 

Some other examples of e-participation are:

  • Electronic voting
  • Paying taxes
  • Transferring services
  • Checking existing services via phone and internet
  • Updating name and address, etc. 

Through E-governance all the paperwork has now become digital and paperless; it is not very easy for the employees to send important files and documents as and when required just through the internet connection. This doesn’t hold taking any printouts and receipts in person for emergency cases. If you have stored the documents well on a computer then it is more than enough and is considered proof. 

We will now discuss a few benefits of G2C expansion:

  • G2C is now starting in other countries like New Zealand, the United States, and Hong Kong.
  • E-Payroll: this method has proven to be very beneficial in maintaining the paychecks, bills, and other receipts on a computer rather than on paper.
  • E-benefits: checking the benefits given to any particular employee through this service makes the life of the government official easier.
  • Personal information: the personal information of the employees is kept as a part of the official record for future use, this will help in using the data for learning new techniques and policies. 
  • E-training: through this facility, the employees are given training online for many new technologies and developments. It deals with new animations, videos, and visuals. 

There are a few documents that are a part of the G2C service; we will discuss each of them in detail below:

  1. Aadhar Card: it is a 12 digit individual identification number that is issued by the government of India. Aadhar card serves as a proof of identity of that particular person, it is very beneficial when it comes to banking, mobile phone registration, and many connections like broadband and DTH, etc. every person irrespective of age and gender must get their Aadhar card which is free of cost. 
  2. Digital Police Portal: this is a Smart policing service; it is an initiative that is taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The main objective of this service is to provide services for the citizens of India. Through this facility, people can register complaints regarding theft, bribery, etc. online without visiting the police station. 
  3. Cybercrime reporting portal: this is also an initiative that is taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the main purpose of this initiative is to safeguard especially children and women citizens of the country. Women can register any complaint related to cybercrime through this portal. 
  4. E-visa: through this portal individuals can apply for Indian Visa from their home country. They need to pay the visa fee online and follow all the steps and instructions online to get the visa. E-visa services have been divided into five different categories: e-tourist visa, e-business visa, e-medical attendant, e-medical visa, and e-conference visa. 
  5. Employment-related services: this section deals with all the information related to the provident fund. The employee can check their PF balance and update necessary details online through this online portal. 
  6. National voter service portal: the election commission of India has made available all the services and facilities for the electors enabling them to use the IT tools efficiently. 
  7. Grievance redressal: this section deals with a variety of complaints involving fraud, complaints against advertisements, sexual harassment, and other service-related complaints. The individuals can select the category from this website and raise a complaint; the action will be taken accordingly after verification of the complaint is done. 

To summarize, G2C is working effectively for the citizens of India making a positive impact on the well-being of the people.